The NNTC welcomes new Board members following the Annual General Meeting of the company held in Adelaide on 24th October 2019.
- Tyronne Garstone (Kimberley Land Council)
- Kevin Smith (Queensland South Native Title Services)
- Gail Reynolds-Adamson (Esperance Tjaltjraak PBC)
- Kado Muir (Wakamurru RNTBC)
They join current board members:
- Tony Kelly (First Nations Legal and Research Services)
- Peter Windie (Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation)
- Melvin Farmer (Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation)
- Joshua Haynes (Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka Traditional Land Owners Aboriginal Corporation)
- Ned David (Gur A Baradharaw Kod Torres Strait Sea and Land Council Torres Strait Islander Corporation RNTBC)
- Rhonda (Jake) Jacobsen (North Queensland Land Council)
Following the AGM, the Board elected new Chairman, Kevin Smith and Deputy Chairman Kado Muir to lead the organisation for the next year.
It is exciting times for the native title sector, with more and more PBCs being established following positive determinations of native title and the NNTC is looking to develop a strategic approach to resolving compensation claims across the country to maximise economic, social and cultural benefits of Traditional Owners.
The NNTC looks forward to working with its new Board.