National PBC Steering Group

What is the National PBC Steering Group?

The Australian Government has funded the National Native Title Council (NNTC) to develop an advisory group of Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs) to advise on matters of national and regional significance relevant to PBCs – the PBC Steering Group.

The PBC Steering Group is the first step in ensuring that Traditional Owners have greater decision-making influence over their own lands and ensures that native title policy and legislative reform and advocacy is achieving the needs and objectives of native title holders.  One of the first matters to be addressed is a review, development, and implementation of a new funding model for the PBC sector.

Our members

The PBC Steering Group is made up of 23 NNTC PBC members (gender inclusive) from across most states and territories with a representative mix of PBC jurisdiction, size, experience, and activities.

The co-chairs of the PBC Steering Group are:

    • Clyde Rigney, Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation
    • Vicky Lindner, Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation

Members also include representatives from:

    • Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation
    • Lhere Artepe – LAAC RNTBC
    • Yuwaalaraay PBC
    • Yawoorroong Miriuwung Gajerrong Yirrgeb Noong Dawang Aboriginal Corporation (MG Corporation)
    • Wakamurru Aboriginal Corporation
    • Jamukurnu Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation (JYAC)
    • Goemulgaw (TSI) Corporation RNTBC
    • Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
    • Mer Gedkem Le Corporation RNTBC
    • Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation
    • Mulligan River Aboriginal Corporation (Wangkamahdla)
    • Gkuthaarn and Kakatj Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

Our work

The inaugural meeting of the PBC Steering Group was held on October 27, 2022, at the Esplanade Hotel in Walyalup (Fremantle), Western Australia. The group meets a total of five times a year with a mixture of face-to-face and online meetings.

In 2023 the PBC Steering Group has been working on:

    • PBC sector reform
    • A PBC Investment Strategy
    • Water rights and revenue
    • Future Acts reform
    • Compensation and agreements


For further information on the National PBC Steering Group, please contact:

Clinton Benjamin
Senior Policy Officer, National Native Title Council
M: 0400 215 037