The National Native Title Council (NNTC) is urging the Parliament to support the passage of the Native Title Amendment (Indigenous Land Use Agreement Bill) 2017.
NNTC’s Chief Executive Officer Glen Kelly said that due to the large numbers of Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) rendered invalid by the recent McGlade v Native Title Registrar decision, it was important for Parliament to move forward promptly.
“The Bill reflects changes that the native title sector has been seeking for a number of years. In addition, the changes reflect recommendations made in the report of the Australian Law Reform Commission in its review of the Native Title Act, specifically at recommendations 10-2 and 10-6”1
“The Bill will also secure almost 150 ILUAs across the country that have been invalidated by the recent Court decision. These agreements see significant benefits flow to the Aboriginal community to support cultural programs and community development, as well as provide important employment and business opportunities.”
Mr Kelly said the passage of the Bill would enable more functional agreement making processes going forward and ensure traditional owner groups with invalidated ILUAs had their agreements secured.
The NNTC is the peak body for the Indigenous native title sector.