Indigenous Advancement Strategy
Key actions:
- A more strategically focused IAS program that supports Aboriginal controlled organisations
- Increases in the resources available to the Indigenous Native Title Sector (NTRBs, NTSPs and PBCs) so as to enable the increased achievement of outcomes
- Greater funding certainty for Aboriginal controlled organisations to ensure economic outcomes for current as well as future
As evidenced by the report of the Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee Inquiry into the Commonwealth Indigenous Advancement Strategy Tendering Processes, there are many concerns about the program design of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS). The IAS was implemented with little or no consultation or engagement with Indigenous communities; created uncertainty for providers; has had significant negative impact on a large number of Aboriginal organisations; looks to have been applied haphazardly; and has resulted in gaps in service delivery.
The NNTC is of the view that the IAS in its current form has not supported the principles of Indigenous control, has not supported empowerment of communities and Indigenous controlled organisations and does not adequately provide for the right for Aboriginal people to economically develop. To overcome this, and as recommended by the Senate Committee, the IAS program and guidelines should give priority weighting to the contribution and effectiveness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations to provide for their community beyond the service they are directly contracted to provide.
For NTRB/SPs, the IAS has created funding uncertainty and has undermined confidence, which in turn has the ability to affect results. Further, while the announcement of additional funding for Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs) has been welcomed, it remains a small investment whose implementation has served to fragment the sector.