Category: NNTC News/General

The NNTC Commemorates the Passing of Mr Gough Whitlam

The National Native Title Council (NNTC) today pays tribute to Mr Gough Whitlam, a strong advocate for Indigenous people and a true leader for Australia.  Mr Whitlam brought equity to the administration of Aboriginal Affairs and set an agenda that culminated in the Native Title Act in 1993.   “Gough Whitlam did many things for […]

Written by on October 21, 2014

Time for A Relationship Reset


The National Native Title Council (NNTC) is appalled at the treatment of young Aboriginal boys in detention in the Northern Territory and believes it is symptomatic of the ongoing poor relationship between Australian governments and Indigenous peoples across the country.   Speaking from the Gaarma Fesitval in the Northern Territory, the NNTC’s Chair Mr Nolan […]

Written by on July 29, 2016