AIATSIS Summit | NNTC presentations

From 30 May – 3 June 2022, NNTC had the privilege of attending the AIATSIS Summit hosted by the Kabi Kabi people, the Traditional Owners of the Sunshine Coast Twin Waters region and Queensland South Native Title Services. The Summit was attended by more than 1000 delegates including approximately 700 First Nations peoples from across Australia.

If you weren’t able to attend the AIATSIS summit, we have key presentations for you here.

Plenary – Treaty with Jamie Lowe, NNTC CEO

Keynote address – Rachel Perkins, First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance with Kado Muir, NNTC Chair

Keynote address – Re-Imagining Australia Through First Nations Leveraging Native Title and Broader Rights with Kevin Smith, CEO of Queensland South Native Title Services

Closing Plenary with The Hon Linda Burney MP and Jamie Lowe