Policy & Advocacy
The NNTC provides a national perspective and focus on important and significant issues for the native title sector across Australia.
During 2018 the NNTC focused on developing a consensus about proposed amendments to the Native Title Act and the PBC Regulations as a member of the Commonwealth Government’s Expert Technical Advisory Group.
The Attorney-General and the Minister for Indigenous Affairs released an exposure draft of their proposed native title reforms and took public submissions up until 10 December 2018. The NNTC has been working with its Native Title Representative Body/Service Provider and Prescribed Body Corporate members to present a submission to Government on the proposed reforms.
This latest policy advocacy builds on the NNTC’s previous written submissions and representations into a number of reviews and inquiries over recent years, including but not limited to the:
Review of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act
- Review of the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission legislation
- Review of the Roles and Functions of Native Title Organisations by Deloitte Access Economics
- Inquiry into Commonwealth Native Title Laws and Legal Frameworks by the Australian Law Reform Commission
- Investigation into Indigenous Land Administration and Use by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG)
- The White Paper on Developing Northern Australia
The NNTC has also been able to contribute to advocacy on native title issues at the international level by supporting its Chairperson’s attendance at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in April 2018.